workplace chaplain

Compassionate Care
Employee Well-being
Spiritual Guide
Stress Management


Personal matters can impact work, and professional issues can impact personal life.


Personal matters can impact work, and professional issues can impact personal life.

Business or Workplace Chaplain

What They Do:

A Chaplain:

Heavy Stressors Impacting Employee Performance

Heavy Stressors Impacting Employee Performance

stress in the

stress in the

How to manage it?

Job stress can be reduced, even highly managed if the proper care is in place to deal with the growing demand of stress in the workplace.

The Work

A business chaplain is equipped to deal with many of these personal and professional issues to aide employees to self-manage their issues in the workplace and at home.

Workplace chaplain

Workplace chaplain

We offer bi-lingual (English-Spanish) chaplains for a diverse workforce.

Email us at [email protected] or click the button below:

Invest in Employee Self-Care

Peace of Mind

An empathetic employer can give peace of mind to their employees by securing a marketplace or business chaplain.

A Safe Place for Employee

Employees need a safe place to vent their personal and professional problems to someone they can trust and keep their personal and professional matters confidential without any retaliation.

The Benefits

When a company invests in “employee self-care” internal problems diminish, morale increases and employee retention is maintained.

The monthly fees* are fair and favorable to small businesses, mid-sized business and corporations

*Cost breakdown included in the agreement.

Our Chaplains

Our chaplains have both ministry and marketplace experience. As previous business owners  themselves, our chaplains also have ministry experience as pastors, and ministry leaders.


For example, Chaplain Joel has occupied management positions in the marketplace with financial organizations overseeing large staffs for front-line workers. He also served sixteen years in a full-time ministry capacity as an executive pastor overseeing various ministries in a mega church. 

Your workplace deserves experienced and seasoned business chaplains!

Email us at [email protected] or click the button below:

Cost Effective Pricing

Our clients are billed once a year or quarterly for our services. Our price list is as follows:


Tailored to you

Any business, organization or corporation with 51 employees or more is calculated by the size and scope of the services being provided. 

Email us at [email protected] or through our website.

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contact us